It makes me sit back and think for a moment, about when Rylee left on her mission...About where I was than.
That's when I hopped on a roller coaster of confusion, joy and well...fear. I thought I knew what love was. I always thought movie love was cheesy and completely unrealistic. My version of love came from the books I loved so dearly. I didn't read the sappy romances, so in my mind, that love was completely plausible.
William was my best friend. I often referred to him as my "Flounder" (Little Mermaid reference). I loved him but I was waiting for the feeling described in books. That rush of emotion that never goes away, that thrill. I thought than that I had to have that to be happy. It wasn't until I made the mistake of almost losing him that I realized what love really was. Me and will had that and we decided not ever let that go.
Than comes July 8 2013, we became a family of three. The day I was married still is the happiest day I can think of but this day...This day was the most miraculous, the most fulfilling, and perhaps the most life changing day that I had and will ever have. Pregnancy and Labor are exsaughsting and difficult but holding our daughter for the first time...just makes the whole thing worth it. Addie is almost a month old now and I can hardly believe time has flown by so fast. In a way I am saddened at how fast she is growing. I'm trying to savor every moment, because I know how much I'm going to miss this. Will constantly reminds me about how much fun we will have with her though. The first time we hear her little voice say "I love you" and the first time she will hug us.
Two years ago I would have never dreamed that this would be my future. Two years ago I was a completely different person than I am now. I wonder how different I'll seem to Rylee now, I wonder how different Rylee will be. Or for that fact how different the rest of my cousins will be.I guess that's how life is though, things change, we change, nothing can stay the same forever. In a way I've kind of had a theme for my life "plan for the future but live for the moment" Every second that ticks by we'll never get back. And with how fast life is moving...I'd like to look back and feel like I didn't waste a single one.
I want to see you and hold your sweet little angel sooo bad! I'd love to see your changes and talk and laugh. Unfortunately, we can't come to Rylee's homecoming as we'll be at another family reunion in CA--my side. Bummer. But give Rylee and everyone a hug for me!